Problem with Your Dentures? Here’s an Option

What’s inevitable in your life? I agree that’s a broad question.

Let’s narrow it down to at least one certainty.


Moods change. Minds change. Bodies change.

And if you’ve experienced tooth loss (for whatever reason) your jaw will inevitably change. This is even more common if you’re a denture wearer.

Perhaps you chose dentures because of their cost or convenience. At the time you might have believed that dentures were your only tooth replacement option.

Are your dentures changing?

Actually, your dentures aren’t the biggest concern. What’s beneath them is – where change happens.

You might not be aware of it at first. But over time your jaw will change when you wear dentures.

The changes often become more noticeable. Your dentures could shift, become loose, and show signs of not fitting as well as they did when you began wearing them.

Your deeper issue.

The primary reason your jawbone is wearing away has to do with your tooth roots. When you lose a tooth you lose a primary part that’s connected to your jawbone tissue – the roots.

Missing tooth roots causes your jawbone to gradually wear away. That slipping you’re noticing with your dentures? Stability is lost due to loss of bone.

A more permanent solution.

Jawbone atrophy is common if you’re a denture wearer. You can apply temporary fixes to keep your denture in place – reline it for a more secure fit or replace it.

Dental implants are a more permanent solution. And they can prevent long term costs associated with denture replacement due to poor fit.

The best result of implant treatment is ending your jawbone atrophy. As denture wearer, you can have four permanent dental implants placed to replace your traditional denture.

Think of the four implants as the legs of a table. The table is sturdy, doesn’t wobble, and can be trusted to hold whatever you place upon it because of its four legs.

Remember your tooth roots?

Dental implants become your new tooth roots. Each implant is placed in your jawbone at a specific location to support your new prosthetic tooth arch.

Your dental implants will be absorbed into your bone tissue over time. This process prevents jawbone atrophy from occurring.

Typically, the four implant approach allows each implant to be placed in the front of your jaw. This supports your new tooth arch.

If you’re missing back teeth and bone loss occurs, as few as four dental implants can be used there as well.

Change for the better.

Count on your prosthetic teeth supported by dental implants to be stronger than your current, traditional denture. It’s a better tooth replacement option because it’s actually anchored to your bone tissue by each implant.

You will chew and smile more confidently with an implant supported denture. The changes associated with traditional dentures disappear with dental implants.

Ask us about an implant supported denture. Schedule a consultation to explore your options as a denture wearer who is ready for a change – the good kind, that is.

What Dental Implants Can Do for the Unfortunate Results of Untreated Dry Mouth

One problem can often lead to another. I think it’s safe to say that you would prefer to avoid as many problems as possible.

Tooth decay is one dental problem that can quickly escalate. Be aware that your risk of decay is high if certain factors are present.

Bacteria and food particles are top decay producers. But there’s good news.

Let’s talk saliva (Really, it’s important)

Your saliva is a natural cleansing element for your mouth. This is why dry mouth often causes many dental problems such as tooth decay.

Saliva keeps your mouth moist. It also rinses away food particles and potentially harmful bacteria.

It’s not uncommon for you to lose teeth if your dental problems resulting from dry mouth issues go untreated.

The reason?

Bacteria thrive in your mouth. Food particles, sugars, and starches that remain on your teeth are like a buffet-line for hungry bacteria.

Brushing and flossing clean your mouth and tooth surfaces. Between meals, saliva helps rinse your teeth of the particles left behind from your most recent meal or snack.

This is why dry mouth or a lack of saliva increases your risk of tooth damage from decay. In most instances a dental restoration is necessary to repair or replace your damaged teeth.

Dental implants and dry mouth

Dental implant treatment is recommended for tooth replacement however your tooth loss occurs. Implants are also a go-to solution even with complications from dry mouth that result in tooth loss from decay.

Treat your dry mouth although lacking saliva should not impact your teeth replaced with dental implants. The reason is that tooth decay isn’t common for implant restorations.

Yes, dental fillings and dental crowns provide an effective treatment for problems associated with decay. Also understand that the natural tooth beneath those restorations can still experience damaging decay.

Your dental implant is a natural-looking, artificial tooth replacement. The root (implant) and surface tooth structure (crown), each being artificial, are therefore immune to decay.

Dental implants look and function as your natural teeth. But they avoid the problems commonly associated with tooth decay.

Ask us about solutions for dry mouth. And in our Wayne dental office to discuss how dental implants are an excellent tooth replacement option for tooth damage or loss caused by decay.

The Other Area of Your Mouth Where You Can Trust Dental Implants

If you say something will “take-a-backseat-to-no-one” you’re admitting that it’s not lacking in confidence. Trusting your dental implant is like that for missing or damaged tooth replacement.

In fact, speaking of “taking-a-back-seat,” dental implants are equally trustworthy for replacing your back molars.

A high-function zone

There are common functions that a lost or missing tooth affects. Eating, and more specifically, chewing your food, would rank high on the list of functions.

Losing your back or rear molar has a significant impact on your lifestyle. You should also be concerned about the ongoing risk of bone loss in your jaw if you are merely content to adjust your lifestyle to accommodate a missing tooth in that quadrant of your mouth.

Bone loss can lead to greater function loss. This is especially true if your adjoining teeth begin to shift because you delay tooth replacement.

Beware of more rapid bone atrophy

Preserving the bone tissue where you’ve lost a tooth is vital. The quality of available bone can determine the capability or effectiveness of your dental implant.

Jawbone atrophy is known to occur more rapidly in the back portion of your mouth following tooth loss. This is due to thinner bone tissue in that region of your mouth.

A thorough examination of your jaw and targeted x-rays will determine if dental implants can thrive in your available bone tissue. This makes it all the more important to schedule a consultation as soon as possible following your tooth loss.

Back in business

You have options to replace a missing back/rear tooth if bone loss has already occurred. A bone graft can be used to supplement the tissue.

Typically, bone grafts are obtained from your own tissue. Or an outside and compatible source can be used as well.

This necessary step will lengthen the time of your treatment. But it’s worthwhile given the significant functional and aesthetic benefits of a dental implant.

Avoid bone loss and the need for a bone graft. Schedule a consultation within a few days of your tooth loss and allow us to determine if dental implant treatment is your best tooth replacement solution.

Best Dentist 2015

I’m so humbled and excited to be named “Best Dentist on the Main Line” by Main Line Magazine. I’m so grateful to have so many patients who have supported me over the years! Thank you! I love you all.

Why Dental Implants are THAT Popular and What It Means for You

We hear the term used frequently. It’s become the measure of internet fame.

I’m talking about something “going viral.”

If you could gauge the success of missing teeth treatment there’s one you could safely say has “gone viral.”

Dental implants have gained popularity year after year. The reasons have as much to do with practical functionality as with cosmetic appearance and return on investment.

The procedure is often misunderstood. And some consider it an intimidating option for replacing missing or damaged teeth.

Allow me to alleviate the fear and misunderstanding. In fact, you’ll find the answers to most of your questions about dental implants on this blog.

•How implants function

•The cost effectiveness of dental implants

•Deciding between dental implants and dentures
And the list goes on.

Your concerns are valid.

The decision is ultimately up to you. But it’s helpful to understand the bottom-line benefits of dental implant treatment.

The basics…

• Your dental implant is made of titanium and resembles a small screw.

• It’s surgically implanted in your gums and adapts to your bone tissue forming a new tooth root.

• A crown will be placed on top of the abutment (secured post) to create an appealing and functional new tooth.

The real-deal

Dental implant treatment is somewhat “viral” in popularity because the benefits are outstanding. Missing teeth can create a number of concerns and each one is overcome with your implant procedure.

1-A permanent solution

Your dental implant is commonly a onetime tooth replacement option. The shelf-life of dentures and dental bridges do not typically compare with implants.

Your dental implant is solidly anchored to your jawbone. And it will not loosen or lose its shape throughout the years unlike regular dentures.

2-Lasting durability

Remember your dental implant is made of titanium. This strong metal substance forms your new tooth root.

The crown attachment is crafted from porcelain. It will sustain bite and chewing force in the same way your natural tooth would.

3-Natural appearance

Your dental implant will blend in with your natural teeth. Shading and shape are matched to enhance the appearance of your smile alongside your adjoining teeth.

4-Physically compatible

That’s an easy way to say, “Your dental implant will get along with your gum and bone tissue.” Your bone will actually adapt to the implant and form a new, strong tooth root.

5-Fully functional

Your dental implant will function comfortably alongside your surrounding teeth. Biting and chewing will be evenly distributed onto your implant as it would your natural tooth.

6-Low maintenance

Use common, daily oral hygiene on your dental implant as you would your natural teeth. Careful flossing and brushing around the edges of your crown is essential to prevent the growth of bacteria from infecting your adjoining tooth/teeth.

It’s important to make an informed decision about implant treatment. These days there’s information of viral proportions to assist you with your choice.

I also recommend a face to face consultation in our dental office. You will receive answers relevant to your specific oral health condition.

A Few Cost-Benefit Facts You Might Not Have Considered About Dental Implants

Demand for products and services can drive cost. One trip to the gas pump or your grocer’s produce department is proof of this economic reality.

Dental implant treatment is in high demand today. And this may prompt you to ask:

“Does demand drive the cost of implant treatment up?”


“Can I get long-term, cost-effective benefits from dental implants instead of dental bridges or dentures?”

Your questions can indicate that you’re thinking this common oral surgery procedure might be out of your league financially.

Hold that thought.

Relief comes when you begin comparing dental implants to other, popular, tooth replacement options.

Perspective can save you money.

Tooth loss is traumatic. I don’t need to tell you that, right?

When you’re the victim it’s no surprise that you want a cost effective option. And you want something that lasts without added expense alongside a procedure that restores your appearance.

The “Facts” are in your favor.

Fact: Dental implants are more durable than dental bridges and dentures.

Reason: Your implant actually becomes part of your jawbone structure. When it’s surgically inserted into you bone tissue it is absorbed over time, anchoring your surface tooth (dental crown) to your new tooth root (dental implant).

Bonus: Dental implants prevent movement and bone atrophy in your jaw. Bridges and dentures are not secure like implants.

They shift. And their mobility wears away your bone structure over time.

Fact: Dental implants stay put.

Reason: They will not lose “fit” as your jawbone structure changes. Bridges and dentures change the shape of your jawbone when changes occur.

Bonus: Your dental implant(s) require fewer appointments in our dental office. Less follow-up and adjustments translates to cost-savings.

Fact: Dental implants get-along with your surrounding teeth.

Reason: Your implant is independent yet supportive of your adjoining and neighboring teeth. Bridges and dentures require the support of your adjacent teeth. They can wear down your bone tissue and vital surface tooth enamel.

Bonus: Your dental implant(s) are easier to maintain. They can be brushed and flossed in the same period of time as your other teeth.

Don’t be discouraged about the high demand and perceived cost issues of dental implant treatment. Schedule a consultation to ask all your questions and receive answers about the long-term health and cost benefits of dental implants.

How Prepared Are You for Tooth Loss?

Maybe you’re one who likes to “file-things-away.” If so, you get credit for thinking ahead and being prepared.

No one plans for tooth loss. But you can “file-away” a solution that will come in handy should the need arise.

Regardless of how it happens, a missing tooth is traumatic. In fact, mouth trauma ranks high on the dramatic life event scale.

The first thing that comes to mind.

Almost reflexively, you will reach for a mirror when mouth or tooth impact occurs.


You’re checking to see the gap and how large it is. This cosmetic-level reaction is normal.

Your smile frames your face. One missing tooth, especially front and center, can alter your appearance.

This alone is baseline motivation to seek a solution. And who would blame you.

As important as your appearance, there’s another reason tooth loss is traumatic.

Your teeth have a practical function. Lose one or more of them and you’ll immediately feel the impact at meal time.

A single missing tooth can impact your ability to chew effectively. Poor chewing can lead to digestive and dietary issues too.

Also, your remaining teeth must compensate for the one that’s absent. This can cause wear and eventually create alignment problems.

What starts with a single missing tooth can transition to damaged surrounding teeth and possible orthodontic treatment challenges.

Let’s go a bit deeper.

Your tooth roots create stability within your jawbone. When tooth loss occurs, the root is damaged or it accompanies the traumatized tooth.

Root loss is a problem also. If your tooth root isn’t replaced your jawbone will begin to atrophy and potentially lead to the loss of other, currently healthy, teeth.

The shift and drift effect.

Tooth movement can lead to misalignment. Untreated tooth movement can cause bite and gum issues – some as serious as periodontal disease.

And we haven’t even mentioned the impact a missing tooth can have on your speech. So, add that to the list of tooth loss drama.

A tooth replacement option to file-away (and use when necessary)

Dental implant treatment replaces your missing tooth or teeth and puts an end to tooth loss drama. Implants are uniquely designed to mimic your natural tooth structure and function.

They improve your appearance with a visible, natural looking crown on the surface. More significant, they create a solid, new tooth root that stabilizes your jawbone and surrounding teeth.

Your jawbone will bond with your dental implant. This process restores the practical function of your missing tooth.

Plan now so you’re prepared later.

Sooner is better when replacing your missing teeth. Having this information on-hand will enable you to respond quickly when you, a family member, a friend, or colleague experiences the trauma of tooth loss.

Contact us about a free consultation. This quick and easy appointment will provide you answers to your tooth replacement questions.

Reliability Factor of Your Dental Implant

It’s said, “There are no guarantees…” But that’s not entirely true.

The good news? You can up the reliability factor if you’re aware of what failures to avoid.

Dental implants have a reputation of long-term reliability. It’s why they’ve continued to maintain popularity as a tooth replacement option for over 30 years.

In fact, dental implants have a 95% success rate for a period of up to 10 years. No other tooth replacement treatment compares over the long haul.

The secret to your success

Understanding the technology helps you understand its success.

The implant itself forms the new (replacement) tooth root. It’s typically crafted from titanium.

The screw-like design and shape forms a solid foundation for your new tooth. When placed in the jawbone beneath your gums the tissue integrates with it over time.

Once healing has occurred your crown will placed on top of the abutment. Your crown provides you a new, cosmetic dental treatment that improves your appearance.

Plan for it.

Tooth loss can result from poor dental hygiene. It can also occur randomly, by accident.

Replacing your missing tooth or teeth should be anything but random or unplanned. Dental implants require strategic, careful planning to assure reliability.

Your medical history matters. And it’s important to be as thorough as possible.

The prescriptions you take can have an impact on your dental implant procedure. And so can your use of over-the-counter medications including supplements.

Be prepared to share and discuss your medical details with us during your free consultation. This helps us pinpoint any potential problems that could impact the success of your implant treatment.

A comprehensive examination is important too. X-ray scans are an essential element of this process.

It’s vital to have as much information about your jawbone as possible. The location of your nerves, blood vessels, and sinus cavities will help us understand how and where to accurately place your implant.

This preliminary step also provides us necessary information about the amount of bone that’s available for your dental implant. If bone is lacking, we are prepared to offer a bone graft to assure stable tissue for your implant.

Dental implants have a reputation for success. You can guarantee that yours is no exception by understanding what’s involved and planning for the best possible outcomes.

If You Want to Improve the Lifetime Value of Your Dental Implants, Don’t Skip This

You’ve been there. You purchased a product or service on perceived value.

Then it happened! A problem arose.

Now, where’s the support?

No doubt there’s significant value accompanying dental implant treatment. Even better – your support is built in.

What do I mean?

Deciding to have oral surgery is a major step. And you should expect that post-operative protocol is essential to the lifetime value of your dental implant.

Hold that thought on “lifetime value.” We’ll return to that in a moment.

The follow-up factor

Many factors affect the success of your dental implant. Including…

• Preliminary (in our case, free) consultation

• Bone and gum tissue health

• Treatment expertise

• Bone adaptation after placement (osseointegration).

And the all-important topic of the moment…

• Follow-up appointments.

Healing begins the moment the implant is placed. But it is sustained during the monitoring phase.

Don’t miss it!

Why? Because the early stages, following implant placement, is where problems can be spotted, treated, and eliminated.

Typically, expect your first follow-up to be within three to four weeks of your oral surgery. This allows us eyes-on opportunity to check the progress of your healing.

And this is vital to the success of your implant.

The stability of your dental implant relies on how it integrates with your jawbone. Your bone tissue must bond, in a timely way, with the titanium post (your implant).

This process (osseointegration) can require several months. During that time, it’s important that you’re consistent with your scheduled follow-up appointments.

It’s great to feel good and we want to keep it that way.

We hope and plan to provide you a worry-free implant treatment. And frankly, any issues that arise makes it all the more important to be monitored via regular follow-up.

Count on your follow-up appointment frequency to be reduced as time goes by. Within an appropriate amount of months it won’t be necessary.

A shift in your priorities

This where lifetime value comes into view. It’s vital to treat each dental procedure as an essential element of your healthy life plan.

Your new dental implant is no doubt part of that. And even though it’s not vulnerable to decay (as a natural tooth is) the bone and gum tissue it’s placed within is.

Lifetime value for your dental care relies on routine check-ups, dental exams, and teeth cleanings. These regularly scheduled appointments provide consistent monitoring of your overall oral health.

Teeth are for life. And your dental implants are no exception.

Schedule a consultation to determine how implant treatment can replace your missing teeth. And continue to maintain the health of your teeth and gums by scheduling your next dental exam and teeth cleaning.

This Could Complicate Your Dental Implant Treatment

The New Year (or any time for that matter) is no time for delays. It’s time to prioritize and do what’s necessary to assure your good health – especially your dental health.

The previous year might have left you with something missing. And if a single tooth or multiple teeth are what’s being missed it’s time to take preventative action.

Delaying treatment for missing teeth only complicates things. Why start your clean slate with unnecessary complications?

Why out-of-sight-out-of-mind isn’t a good idea

It’s common to delay replacement of a missing tooth or teeth. After all, if you can’t see the space that remains, why bother?

There are a few key reasons to take action. The consequences can be detrimental to your oral health if you postpone treatment.

The empty space might not be impacting your smile as we speak. But ongoing delay will.

Your teeth will begin to shift. And when this occurs it will become increasingly difficult (perhaps even painful) to chew and speak properly (not to mention how your smile appears).

Think long term

You can fill the missing tooth space with a number of treatments. Dentures and dental bridges are among the common choices.

But there’s one treatment that has significant long term benefit for your oral health and smile appearance.

Dental implants are a solid, trustworthy, and attractive tooth replacement option. Dentures and dental bridges lack an all-important feature.

A dental implant provides a new, artificial tooth root. And the attractive, tooth colored dental crown provides an appealing cosmetic dental aspect to enhance your smile.

The solid truth

Once your dental implant is placed something unique to the treatment happens. The bone in your jaw will integrate with your new implant root.

This assures you greater stability and function. Other tooth replacement options lack this vital element.

Beyond that, your dental implant prevents your jawbone from eroding. Tissue that is left on its own – without a tooth – will eventually deteriorate causing the surrounding teeth and bone to weaken.

When bone loss occurs you face more serious dental issues. Any future implant treatment could be at risk due to a lack of adequate, strong bone tissue.

Bone grafts are an option. But with delayed tooth replacement, the lack of healthy or available bone tissue will prohibit you from dental implant success.

Tooth loss affects your entire lifestyle. This is especially true when you delay replacement.

Chewing your food, smiling, and speech are among the impacts you could face. Your overall health is dependent on keeping your teeth, bone, and gum tissue healthy.

Treatment delay following tooth loss is risky. Prioritize your health today, beginning with your mouth.

Ask us about the dental implant treatment procedure. Schedule a consultation to discuss your missing teeth and tooth replacement options.