Natural Teeth Are for Life…But It’s Good to Know You Have Options

It’s the holiday season. And you’re faced with numerous decisions.

Think about a Christmas tree, for example. If you have one, did you choose a natural (real) tree? Or did you go with an artificial one?

Many prefer the real-thing. And, like your teeth, there’s maintenance to be considered.

Do you care?

Caring for your natural teeth is the first step to keeping them. It’s why we recommend consistent dental exams and teeth cleanings.

Good oral care preserves the quality of your natural teeth. Avoid it and decay will occur.

Tooth decay threatens your natural tooth function. And decay unchecked can lead to tooth loss.

What next?

Keeping and preserving your natural tooth function should be a priority. When your natural teeth are at risk it’s good to know you have options.

Dental implants are the perfect option for tooth loss. They look, feel, and function in similar ways as your natural teeth. 

But there are important differences too. The big-three: how they attach to your surrounding bone, response to dental disease, and repair and maintenance.

Attachment issues

The periodontal ligament attaches your natural tooth to the surrounding bone in your jaw. Dental implants fuse directly to the bone in your jaw.

Your gum tissue also attaches to your tooth root. Those same tissues only attach to the surface of a dental implant.

Decay and disease

Your natural teeth are at risk to dental decay. It’s a primary reason tooth loss occurs. Root canal therapy is another preliminary alternative to losing your natural teeth as well. Dental implants are titanium and porcelain. That means no decay or root canal treatment.

Gum disease also poses a threat to your natural teeth. The tissue around dental implants can become inflamed as well. It’s important to monitor the bone that surrounds your implant when this occurs.

Care and maintenance

Take care of your natural teeth and they’ll last a lifetime. Even so, they aren’t failsafe.

For the most part, dental implants provide a nearly failsafe alternative to replace your natural teeth. Damage and wear can be addressed without impacting the implant’s attachment to your surrounding bone.

Dental implants are not maintenance free. You must effectively care for them as you would your natural teeth. 

Brushing, flossing, and controlling bacteria are also vital to your dental implants. Regular checkups, exams, and teeth cleanings are important to maintain the success of your implant treatment.

The overall stability of your dental implant depends on consistent follow-up care. Proper function is a priority.

It’s good to know you have a choice. There are advantages to keeping your natural teeth. But if necessary, dental implant treatment can deliver a solid alternative.


Question: What dental care habits do you use most consistently? Comment.


There’s More Missing Than a Tooth

Your adult teeth are designed to be permanent. Losing a tooth or teeth in adulthood can lead to dental problems. You have replacement options, including dental implants.


Gaps are only the beginning

Naturally, appearance dominates the missing tooth discussion. Your smile and your self-esteem take a hit too.

Missing teeth  impact more than your smile. They also leave gaps in your physical health.


Food is meant to be enjoyed. Chewing naturally enhances your dining experience.

Imagine what you’ll miss if “gumming” your food is the only option. Don’t limit yourself to soft food choices by avoiding your missing teeth.


Verbal communication is essential. The position of a missing tooth can affect your speech quality.


Force affects your jaw when biting and chewing. It also puts stress on your existing teeth when compensating for those you’re missing.

Crooked teeth

Your existing teeth can shift. And you could encounter jaw pain as a result of tooth movement.

Tooth decay

Tooth movement places pressure on your adjoining teeth. Spaces between them can narrow. And those difficult to reach spaces between your teeth are difficult to clean. This can lead to a buildup of dental plaque, cavities, and gum disease.

Bone loss

Your teeth share a partnership with your jawbone. Missing teeth leads to bone deterioration and shrinking gums.

Aged appearance

Tooth loss causes your jaw to shrink. Your face structure can collapse causing your skin to sag.

Close the gap

Missing teeth have a domino-effect on your oral health. The extent of your dental problems is affected by treatment.

You have options including full or partial dentures, dental bridges, and dental implants. The most stable treatment plan  for missing teeth is a dental implant.


Consult with our office to determine if dental implant treatment is right for you. Replacing your missing tooth or teeth is a priority.

We will offer you the best personal solution. Visit our office regularly to prolong the life of your teeth.

And when your teeth go missing trust our available solutions to maintain full function.


Question: What consequence of missing teeth do you fear most? Comment.

Appearance Aside – Why Dental Implants are a Superior Treatment

Vanity is popular. No doubt it’s a deciding factor in the choices you make.

Even so, replacing a missing tooth isn’t only about vanity. Though (keeping it fair) it’s certainly a factor for selecting dental implant treatment.

Dental trends are migrating towards cosmetic dentistry. And you may be among those who want your teeth to look like they did before tooth loss.

Appearance aside

You can fill your missing tooth void a variety of ways. A dental bridge and dentures are options.

There are advantages and disadvantages of each. Primarily weigh the long term wear and replacements costs.

Dental implants are cosmetically superior. They’re also a consistently cost effective, long lasting tooth replacement choice.

Cost considerations

The price point for dental implants can be intimidating. Three thousand dollars is a fair minimum for replacing your tooth with a dental implant.

Keep a long-term perspective when you’re concerned about the expense. Compare the up-front cost to the longevity of the treatment.

For example, dental bridges have an average life span of 10 years. Your dental implant can last a lifetime.


Superior materials, placement procedures, and professional experience support dental implants’ growing credibility. Surrounding teeth also require less, if any, supportive treatment alongside your implant.

Will it work for you? Maybe.

Dental implants are effective. But they’re not right for everyone.

An honest diagnosis must trump popularity. A professional dental exam can determine if your tooth loss will benefit from a dental implant.

There’s no advantage to a mistaken diagnosis and related treatment. Your overall oral health is the priority.

A dental implant could be the best treatment for your tooth loss. And if it is, you’ll discover that looking good is only the beginning of your treatment satisfaction.

Question: Beyond appearance, why does dental implant treatment appeal to you? Comment.

How to Make an Informed Decision About Your Dental Implant Treatment

An “educated guess.” Ever heard someone say that?

Don’t apply guess-work to your dental implant treatment. You have too much at stake.

It’s more than an appearance issue

The mirror doesn’t lie. But it’s not the only deciding factor for your oral health.

Ceramic (tooth-colored) crowns and ultra-thin veneers deliver results. And dental implants are fast joining the restorative solution mix.

Science and statistics prove success. Add longevity and you can’t go wrong with dental implants.

Get informed

Web searches work. But there’s more to selecting a dental professional than a web presence.

Dental implants have history. Make sure your dental provider has some too.

Education, equipment, experience, and practice environment are worthy investments. Explore your dental professional’s protocol for implant success.

  • How experienced are they?

  • How many implants have they placed?

  • Who are their “raving fans?” (more about this in a moment)

Go with winners

You don’t need to settle. Dental implant products are backed by scientific research.

Count on proven, long term success. New and latest implant technologies may be poor substitutes.

Getting-what-you-pay-for applies. The loss of time, money, and treatment results are difficult to overcome – so choose wisely.

Own your treatment

Ask about your treatment time line. Today’s dental implant technology can deliver results with less appointment time.

Get acquainted with the treatment. Diagnosis, implant preparation and placement are our expertise.

We also involve lab technicians along the way. Give us your input to assure that your appearance satisfies you throughout the treatment.

Listen to what others are saying. Get acquainted with our patient testimonials.

Experience counts. Many are happy to share every step of their implant treatment.

Talk to our team. Scheduling, treatment questions, post-treatment follow up are essential to a successful dental implant treatment.

Remove the “guess-work” from your dental implant procedure. An informed investment assures a successful treatment.

Question: What’s your deciding factor when considering dental implant treatment? Science? Experience? Testimonials? Dental practice team? Comment now.

Dental Implant Quality: Often Imitated…Never Duplicated

The benefits of dental implants outweigh most contrary perspectives. Quality tips-the-scale when selecting an implant to replace your missing teeth. No doubt, implant treatment is a significant investment. It’s because dental implants are durable and they provide a stable tooth replacement option.We previously shared that not all implants are the same. It’s important that you know what you’re investing in.

Reputation in check

Dental implant manufacturers are numerous. You will experience the best treatment results by choosing nothing less than those with an excellent track record.

Beware of imitations

Certain dental implant manufacturers have a solid reputation for quality. And you can trust that we select only those products that qualify. Some companies copy the design of an implant. The similarity stops there since quality is lacking.

Compare costs to long-term results

Knock-offs cost significantly less than quality originals. Approach so-called, “discount dental implants,” with caution.

Also, the outcomes are fairly predictable with cheaper implants. Metal fatigue, weak points, and breakage are common with dental implants crafted from substandard materials.

Place a premium on it

Price your dental implant according to the quality. Choosing a premium dental implant will assure long term success for your missing tooth replacement.

The general price for fully restoring a tooth with a dental implant ranges from $3,000 to $5,500. This depends on the type of implant, the abutment, and the final steps required for full restoration.

Ask us about every aspect of your dental implant investment. We are prepared to answer your questions about quality and craftsmanship because we place a premium on the long-term success of your treatment.

Question: What do you want to know about our choice of dental implants? Comment.

Does Your Dental Implant Pass the Test?

“A hammer is a tool. The carpenter determines its use.” Those words remind of the value of proper equipment. They also clarify how essential the user is to the process.

Your need for a dental implant requires both. You trust the confidence of the equipment and the skill of an expert.

Each facet of your implant treatment calls for precision. If you want a healthy, long-term outcome it’s important that you know something about the process and the resources being used.

An implant is an implant is a – not so fast!

Dental implants are about adaptability. And it’s vital to your oral health that you understand how they interact with your body.

More specifically is how your implant adapts to your bone structure. A particular type or grade of implant might not be as easily accepted by your body.

Rejection can occur at your gum line. But it’s vital that you avoid any adverse reaction in the bone.

Not doing so can lead to lengthy and expensive restorative dental treatment. And why would you settle for anything less than a time and/or cost effective solution to missing tooth replacement.

Set yourself up for success

Be assured that a successful dental implant treatment is our goal for you. And a few requirements assure this happens – the first time around.

1. Pre-treatment diagnosis

We will explore your dental and medical health history. This assessment gives us an early indication about whether you are a good candidate for an implant.

Your dental implant treatment takes place over a period of time. On average, plan for four to nine months to completion.

2. Preliminary preparation

Your implant treatment is a surgical procedure. Next to your dental and medical history, we pay close attention to your jaw bone structure.

An implant serves as an anchor of sorts within the gap left by your missing tooth. It’s important that we know how strong your bone is so there’s adequate support for your implant.

3. Premium placement

Confidence in your dental implant treatment will increase with each step of the preparation process. And you’ll feel more confident knowing that we use premium implant technology.

We achieve the most successful outcomes using Zimmer™ dental implants. Though other implant tools are available, we believe your long-term results depend on the best resources.

Missing teeth circumstances differ. And the remaining bone structure is as unique as the tooth loss.

Our tools and expertise are the primary equalizers for your dental implant treatment. It’s why our preparation and placement relies on premium dental implant resources to assure you the best outcome.

Question: What new understanding do you have about dental implants? Comment.

Functionality of Dental Implants

Functionality determines many of your choices. It forces you to compare your options.Missing teeth certainly impacts function, and a dental implant is a good choice for a functional replacement.

It’s normal to compare how a dental implant works alongside your natural tooth. Your natural teeth and dental implants typically look, feel, and function in a similar way.

But there are differences to consider.

Teeth require a supportive environment to remain healthy. Your teeth primarily attach to the surrounding bone beneath your visible gum line.

The periodontal ligament consists of fibers that are actually within the tooth on one side. Your tooth is attached to bone on the opposite side.

Dental implants are attached directly to the bone. The gum tissue attaches to your tooth root via fiber also. Yet gum tissue can only attach to the surface of your dental implant.

Your teeth are vulnerable to dental decay. On occasion, tooth decay can lead to the need for a root canal.

The base ingredient of a dental implant is metal. Because of this, they don’t decay and do not require root canal treatment.

Periodontal (gum) disease can also damage your tooth structure. A dental implant can become inflamed or irritated as the gum tissue adjusts to it.

Occasionally the bone structure surrounding your implant can deteriorate. But the overall impact on your bone structure is less and much different than with your natural teeth.

Maintenance matters.

Dental implants are similar to crowns and other tooth replacement options when it comes to maintenance. It’s trustworthy treatment and can be replaced without impacting the implant’s attachment to the bone.

Your implant requires good dental hygiene like your natural teeth. Brushing and flossing help control bacteria growth for your dental implant too.

Your dental hygienist has special instruments designed to clean your dental implant. The instruments will not damage the metal surface of the implant beneath your gum tissue.

Regular dental check-ups help monitor your implant to confirm that it’s adapting to the bone tissue. It’s also important to assure that your dental implant is functioning appropriately with attached crowns and/or bridgework.

Function follows dental implant treatment. Proper follow-up, treatment monitoring, and routine maintenance help assure your tooth replacement remains healthy and functional.

Question: What function would you/do you miss the most from tooth loss? Comment.

Why One-Size-Fits-All Works for Some Things but Not for Dental Implants

One-size-fits-all. It’s a practical and possibly economical way to view your options on occasion. But, if you’re considering a dental implant you should know the one-size-fits-all approach isn’t a viable option. Why? Your tooth loss is unique. And there are more complexities to be considered.

First things first.

It’s essential to get a thorough diagnosis. If you’ve lost a tooth, generally, you’re a good candidate for dental implants.

Tooth loss could be where the similarities end though. Your overall health, including your current health conditions should be considered.

  • Are you diabetic?

  • Have you been treated for cancer with radiation?

  • Are you a smoker?

  • Have you been diagnosed with periodontal (gum) disease?

These are vital questions to discuss with us. The more knowledge we have about your past, current, and future health history – the better – if you’re considering an implant for your missing tooth/teeth.

There’s a place for everything…

Your dental implant requires proper placement to fully restore the function of your missing tooth. We’re equipped to assess your mouth and jaw bone structure before making our treatment recommendation.

As your doctor, I will review various oral health records to determine your treatment. I’ll review specialized x-rays, study models of your mouth, and view your bite.

Detailed assessment helps me ensure that your dental implant is placed in  proper position within the available bone. You will experience better tooth replacement and function as result of such a thorough treatment diagnosis.

…And everything in its place…

There’s another consideration regarding dental implant placement. And that’s the type of implant you require.

Single tooth replacement

Perhaps your tooth loss requires a single dental implant. The implant is placed into your jawbone and following a healing period an abutment is attached to the implant.

The abutment serves as a connection of sorts to the tooth portion known as a crown. The crown is what actually replaces your visible tooth by anchoring to the abutment and the implant that forms a new tooth root.

Fixed multiple tooth replacement

It might be necessary to replace multiple teeth in a specific location of your mouth. The same process occurs as with a single tooth replacement but with an exception.

This treatment involves the placement of multiple implants. These are attached to custom-made crowns or to dental bridgework that are produced to match your existing teeth.

The customized implant supported bridge replaces multiple teeth. Your healthy teeth remain undisturbed and bone loss is stopped.

Removable implant supported tooth replacement

On occasion, all of the teeth in either the upper or lower arch of your mouth might need replacement. Two or more implants will be placed to form a secure foundation for your replacement teeth.

Removable dentures are often used when you have extensive tooth, bone, and gum tissue loss. The new denture is fixed to the implants within your available bone.

Your tooth loss is unique to you. It’s vital that your dental implant treatment be made-to-fit.

Question: Which implant option interests you? Have you consulted with an implant specialist before? Comment.

What Haven’t You Heard About Dental Implants?

Don’t believe everything you hear!” That phrase applies to many things in life – including dental implants. There’s much good information circulating about the best treatment for your missing teeth. And dental implants should rank high.

But merely viewing quick implant treatment as a cosmetic benefit (which it certainly is) misses something more vital to your oral health. Evaluate the information you hear and make the most informed decision you can based on facts.

The cosmetic benefits of dental implants only scratch-the-surface.

Your smile leads the way in the majority of your social interactions. You may choose not to smile because you’re embarrassed due to missing or damaged teeth.

For that reason it makes complete sense that you would be compelled by all the hype about the cosmetic dentistry benefits of implant treatment No one would blame you for wanting to improve the appearance of your smile.

In fact, smile makeovers are among the top reasons you would consider dental implants. But what goes on behind and beneath your smile makes implant treatment a tipping point for treating your missing or damaged teeth.

The “but-wait-there’s-more” factor.

Tooth replacement is about more than filling a gap. The void that remains when you lose a tooth must be filled or you risk further damage to your mouth.

Your teeth are a community. They support each other. And when one goes missing it disrupts the otherwise healthy support system. A dental implant fills the gap. But it does more than look good occupying space.

Dental implants form a substitute tooth root. The implant connects to the bone differently than how the original tooth did but it performs the same function.

The bone structure in your mouth is stabilized when you choose to replace your missing tooth with a dental implant. And it prevents inevitable bone loss that results from missing teeth.

Take the long-view.

Tooth loss is traumatic. Even more traumatic is the damage done to your remaining teeth, gums, and bone by delaying replacement.

Dental implants aren’t a quick-fix. View them as a rehabilitation treatment for the injury done to your mouth from a missing tooth or teeth.

Time is involved in the process of implant treatment. You didn’t develop your tooth roots overnight. Replacing them with a dental implant requires a period of time for the implant to fuse to the bone. This is what makes implants a revolutionary dental treatment. For example, concrete takes time to cure. When it does the foundation is strong and capable of supporting the above structure. Your dental implant will adapt to the bone within your jaw. Once the new tooth root adapts, the strength of your adjoining teeth is improved along with your appearance.


Some things about dental implants are worth believing. But the benefits go deeper than mere appearances.


Question: What new perspective do you have about dental implant benefits? Comment.


4 Tipping Point Reasons You Should Choose Dental Implants

A tipping point is defined as – the point at which the buildup of minor changes or incidents reaches a level that triggers a more significant change or makes someone do what they had formerly resisted. That said, there’s nothing minor about your broken or damaged teeth but it’s all the more reason to change the outcome.

In fact, untreated, your overall oral health can be at risk. Dental implants are a tipping point treatment delivering significant change and benefit to you.

Losing or breaking a tooth is traumatic. You feel as though you’re destined to live with an unattractive gap between your teeth. Or you’re unable to enjoy certain foods.

You should treat your missing or damaged teeth for these and other lifestyle reasons. It’s important to apply dental solutions to avoid more serious oral health issues.

Consider dental implants as your tipping point. We’ve covered a number of beneficial results here (stay engaged for more).

Let’s revisit a few now. Perhaps you’ve not considered dental implant treatment. Or maybe you’re not satisfied with other treatments such as dentures or a dental bridge.

4 Tipping Point Results of Dental Implant Treatment

1-Broken, damaged, or missing teeth are not the end-of-the-world.

Again, there’s nothing minor about dental trauma. And your first reaction is typically related to your appearance.

Dental implants are  a natural and functional replacement for your original teeth. Restore your appearance and function with this attractive option.

2-Dental implants are a bonus for your surrounding teeth.

Losing a tooth puts your other teeth at risk. Any delay in treatment can produce long term damage.

Teeth support each other. One missing or damaged tooth alters your gums and tooth root structure.

A dental implant replaces what’s above your gums and what’s below. Implant treatment creates a new tooth root that anchors and supports your surrounding teeth.

3-Cosmetic benefits only scratch-the-surface of dental implant results.

Break a tooth or teeth and you immediately check the mirror. Your response is normal and natural.

Most notice your smile first. A broken tooth – that’s front and center or along your upper or lower jaw line – can make you self-conscious.

Allow the desire to improve your appearance to tip you forward. Then realize the deeper unseen results of dental implants including a new, stronger tooth root, support to surrounding teeth, and healthier chewing.

4-Dental implants are more cost-effective over the long term.

Dentures or a dental bridge are quick and affordable options. Yet, you’ll be replacing them after a period of years at more expense to you.

Dental implant treatment lasts longer. This means your replacement costs are lower or non-existent depending on your treatment plan.

Get informed about all your options when your teeth are broken or damaged. Analyzing available treatment – that includes dental implants – will likely tip in your favor.
What dental implant benefit is your tipping point or has tipping point potential for you?