Think of It as a Warranty for Your Teeth

Product warranties take into consideration the long term value of a product. You must factor in usage and the ever present possibility of damage.Unfortunately, your teeth don’t come with a warranty. But you can restore years of neglect or sudden damage with restorative dental treatment.

Life is hard on your teeth.

Monitor your lifestyle for a few days. Certain habits will reveal whether you could potentially face the need for a full or partial dental restoration. Soft drinks and highly acidic foods can slowly damage your teeth. Inconsistent dental hygiene can also lead to a breakdown in your tooth strength.

Teeth are designed to last a lifetime.

Your habits can erode the original strength of your teeth. Most damage to your tooth structure is unintentional but nonetheless costly. Ongoing erosion causes damage to your gums, tooth roots, the surface enamel of your teeth, and overall tooth alignment.  Symptoms will appear and regular dental checkups are an effective way to monitor your needs.

The next best thing to a tooth warranty

The best warranty for your teeth is proper dental hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and a healthy diet and lifestyle. But you aren’t always consistent. Lack of consistency over time can lead to the need for restorative dental treatment.

Restoration can involve dental crowns or dental implants on one or more teeth. Or you may benefit from a fullmouth restoration.

A full mouth dental restoration is more comprehensive and can involve…

• Treating teeth with crowns,veneers, inlays, on lays, bridges, and dental implants.

• Periodontal (gum) tissues treated with scaling, root planing, bone and tissue grafts.

• Bite and alignment issues treated with orthodontics (braces and aligners) and night guards.

• Aesthetics that improve and repair the appearance of your teeth.

Your teeth are valuable assets. Treat them properly or be prepared to utilize the closest thing to a tooth warranty – restorative dental treatment.

What current tooth issues are you experiencing?