The Problems Solved by a Full-Mouth Restoration

A do-over. Perhaps you’ve needed one on occasion.

“Need” is an important word when your dental health is involved. Full-mouth restoration or full-mouth reconstruction (as it’s often called) is a dental specialty that focuses on restoring all your teeth in your upper and lower jaw.

The treatment is most often completed over a period of time. And it’s common for a variety of dental problems.

Want vs. Need

A full-mouth reconstruction falls more into the category of need. Although understanding its value to your overall health can easily provide you the motivation to want the treatment.

Your need for a full-mouth restoration can result from various dental issues. These can include tooth loss caused by decay or trauma, fractured or injured teeth, damage caused by teeth grinding, or ongoing head, neck, or jaw pain caused by a poor or uneven bite.

First things first

Your first step will involve a thorough dental examination. I will examine the presence and extent of any tooth damage, tooth wear, or other signs of dental trauma.

It’s important to observe the health of your teeth and gums. Their relationship to each other and the presence of any disease must be treated for any restorative dentistry to be effective.

Bite correction is also essential. Any reconstructive dentistry that follows will provide you the healthiest outcomes.

It’s also necessary to observe the appearance of your teeth and how they compliment your gums. Color, shade, and alignment are an essential aspect of your full-mouth restoration.

Why prioritize?

Certain treatments may not be necessary. Your initial consolation and dental examination will help determine the best procedures for your restorative treatment plan.

Procedures, cost, and time involved are also important considerations. Again, your need for restorative dentistry is the priority.

Contact our Wayne dental office about your tooth loss, dental trauma, or related oral health issues. Schedule a consultation to discuss a full-mouth restoration to improve your health and appearance.