How to Improve Your Dental Health in the Next 12 Months

There’s something more important, in a way, than your New Year goals. It’s maintaining consistency in what matters ALL year long.

Your dental health is certainly one of those areas that deserves consistent attention. Now that your mind is fresh with thoughts of the New Year why not include some oral health essentials among your priorities?

Four Dental Health Solutions to Prioritize All Year

Consistent preventive dentistry

The longterm health of your teeth and gums depends on routine dental care habits. Your lifestyle choices and common neglect can cause your oral health to decline.

Do this:

Monitor your diet. Prioritize good nutrition by asking about and including teeth “friendly” foods and beverages.

Brush and floss everyday. This is a fundamental for keeping your teeth and gums free from decay and disease.

Calendar you and your family’s dental examinations and teeth cleanings. These twice yearly appointments go a step beyond your at-home dental care to assure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and disease free.

Attack any signs of gum disease

Periodontal (gum) disease is responsible for adult tooth loss. In fact, it’s the number one cause for it plus gum disease can lead to other health risks including heart disease.

Do this:

Stay up to date on your dental examinations and teeth cleanings. These appointments are essential to remove the build up of plaque and tartar from your teeth.

Be aware of any signs of gum infection. Inflamed, bleeding, or infected gums can indicate that something is wrong.

Schedule a deep cleaning when it’s recommended. Scaling and root planing remove the bacteria that multiply within the hardened plaque and tartar on your teeth and beneath your gum line.

Treat your missing and damaged teeth

Missing or damaged teeth can begin a chain-reaction of oral health problems. Misalignment, decay, and bone tissue loss can result from delayed treatment.

Do this:

Get informed about your tooth replacement solutions. Dental implants are a secure, long-lasting missing tooth solution that restores your tooth function and appearance.

Schedule a dental examination following tooth loss or tooth damage. Chips, fractures, or broken teeth can be diagnosed and restored with dental crowns, dental fillings, dental bonding, and veneers.

Know and use your available dental insurance benefits

Your dental insurance should renew each calendar year. This provides you a new amount of benefits for reducing your out-of-pocket costs for treatment.

Do this:

Communicate with your insurance provider about your annual renewal and available benefits.

Schedule the dentistry that’s been treatment planned for you or that you’ve been postponing. Use your benefits before the end of each year.

Contact your Wayne dentist about your dental health goals. Schedule your next dental examination and teeth cleaning to stay current on your treatment.