The Domino Effect and Your Tooth Loss

The domino effect is interesting to observe. A single falling domino sets off a chain reaction that can cause a limitless number of subsequent actions.

Tooth loss is similar.  Losing a single tooth can set into motion a chain reaction in your oral health.

The unseen issue

It’s what happens after tooth loss that matters. Bone resorption is the wearing-away of vital bone tissue in your jaw.

Bone loss follows tooth loss because your tooth’s root is no longer available to anchor and stimulate the surrounding bone tissue. And you will typically be unaware that this is occurring (out-of-sight-out-of-mind).

Your jawbone depends on your teeth to stay healthy. When your tooth root is missing or damaged your bone will eventually wear away (bone resorption).

Visible results

Bone resorption is more noticeable depending on the number of missing teeth you have. Tooth loss, followed by bone deterioration, changes how your jaw (and eventually your smile) looks.

The natural, clean appearance of your jaw line is altered by bone resorption. Avoiding tooth replacement creates noticeable changes to your facial features and smile.

Before you consider dentures

Understand that dentures are limited in stopping bone loss. Dentures primarily replace the top, visible (crown) portion of your missing teeth – not the roots.

Your dentures begin to fit poorly because your bone tissue is deteriorating beneath them. On the surface your dentures may appear fine but beneath (in your jawbone) is where bone resorption occurs.

A solution to stop the “domino effect” of tooth loss

Dental implants change the game. They literally get to the root of your missing tooth problem.

Certainly, implants provide surface appeal. But their significant benefit is creating a new, artificial tooth root that prohibits bone resorption.

Your dental implant has a titanium post that forms a new tooth root. It eventually will be absorbed by your bone tissue and create a solid foundation for your surrounding teeth.

You also have options if you’re a denture wearer. Dental implants can provide support to a prosthetic appliance if you make the switch and have experienced bone loss while wearing dentures.

Bone resorption is an issue if you’re a denture wearer or have experienced tooth loss. Dental implant treatment can reduce your risk or solve your problem completely.

Ask us about tooth loss, tooth replacement, dental implants, and implant supported dentures.