If Cost is the Reason You’ve Avoided Dental Implants – Think Again!

The word “surgery” brings to mind a number of thoughts. And when it’s oral surgery, such as a dental implant, the concerns can multiply.

Fear of the procedure itself ranks high. So do costs.

The cost factor could be the reason you’ve delayed dental implant placement. Though it’s a common oral surgery procedure, you might consider it out of your price range.

Can you really afford comparison shopping?

It’s important to compare dental implant treatment costs to other tooth replacement options. A long-term investment perspective is useful when you’ve lost a tooth or teeth.

Dental bridges and dentures top the list of comparison options. And it makes sense because in many instances they have a lower sticker price.

Where the comparison ends

Dentures and bridges are popular (and perceived to be cost-effective). Where they differ significantly from dental implants is in durability.

Implant treatment has lifetime value. Your dental implant is designed to outlast most, if not all, tooth replacement options.

The implant is actually inserted into your jawbone (unlike dentures and bridges that occupy the surface of your gum and bone). This helps assure long lasting stability for your new tooth and its function.

During the healing process your bone tissue that surrounds the new titanium (implanted) tooth root integrates with the implant. It actually mimics your tooth structure from top to bottom, including the visible crown on the surface.

Structural stability is a key benefit of dental implant treatment too. The implant stabilizes your jawbone (where the missing tooth gap was located) and prevents bone atrophy from occurring.

Less than what you pay for?

Bridges and dentures lack this stabilizing effect. Over time your jawbone will wear away due to lack of support.

Losing a tooth or teeth changes the shape and stability of your bone and connected tissue. Bridges and dentures will typically lose their fit when this occurs.

Fitting, repair, and replacement issues will require more dental appointments and increased treatment costs. Dental bridges and crowns are also vulnerable to tooth decay and can fail after an average of 10 years.

Your best long-term tooth replacement option

Decay is not a problem for dental implants and their crowns. They preserve your oral health for a lifetime while reducing unnecessary treatment costs.

Your dental implant creates no unhealthy impact on your surrounding teeth. On the other hand, a bridge that requires dental crowns on adjacent teeth can have a damaging impact on your healthy tooth enamel.

Dental implants are also easier to maintain. Keep them free from harmful oral bacteria and you will preserve the health of your surrounding teeth and gums.

And your implant can be brushed and flossed as you would your natural teeth. This helps maintain your mouth’s overall health.

Ask us about other long-term benefits of dental implant treatment. And we’re prepared to offer guidance about financial options and insurance coverage as well.

Dental implants can eliminate the fear of tooth replacement and save you a lifetime of costs. Schedule a consultation and allow us to answer your questions.