This Could Complicate Your Dental Implant Treatment

The New Year (or any time for that matter) is no time for delays. It’s time to prioritize and do what’s necessary to assure your good health – especially your dental health.

The previous year might have left you with something missing. And if a single tooth or multiple teeth are what’s being missed it’s time to take preventative action.

Delaying treatment for missing teeth only complicates things. Why start your clean slate with unnecessary complications?

Why out-of-sight-out-of-mind isn’t a good idea

It’s common to delay replacement of a missing tooth or teeth. After all, if you can’t see the space that remains, why bother?

There are a few key reasons to take action. The consequences can be detrimental to your oral health if you postpone treatment.

The empty space might not be impacting your smile as we speak. But ongoing delay will.

Your teeth will begin to shift. And when this occurs it will become increasingly difficult (perhaps even painful) to chew and speak properly (not to mention how your smile appears).

Think long term

You can fill the missing tooth space with a number of treatments. Dentures and dental bridges are among the common choices.

But there’s one treatment that has significant long term benefit for your oral health and smile appearance.

Dental implants are a solid, trustworthy, and attractive tooth replacement option. Dentures and dental bridges lack an all-important feature.

A dental implant provides a new, artificial tooth root. And the attractive, tooth colored dental crown provides an appealing cosmetic dental aspect to enhance your smile.

The solid truth

Once your dental implant is placed something unique to the treatment happens. The bone in your jaw will integrate with your new implant root.

This assures you greater stability and function. Other tooth replacement options lack this vital element.

Beyond that, your dental implant prevents your jawbone from eroding. Tissue that is left on its own – without a tooth – will eventually deteriorate causing the surrounding teeth and bone to weaken.

When bone loss occurs you face more serious dental issues. Any future implant treatment could be at risk due to a lack of adequate, strong bone tissue.

Bone grafts are an option. But with delayed tooth replacement, the lack of healthy or available bone tissue will prohibit you from dental implant success.

Tooth loss affects your entire lifestyle. This is especially true when you delay replacement.

Chewing your food, smiling, and speech are among the impacts you could face. Your overall health is dependent on keeping your teeth, bone, and gum tissue healthy.

Treatment delay following tooth loss is risky. Prioritize your health today, beginning with your mouth.

Ask us about the dental implant treatment procedure. Schedule a consultation to discuss your missing teeth and tooth replacement options.