This is Essential When You Experience Tooth Loss

You might not expect it. But it happens.

Tooth loss!

Aside from oral trauma, the loss of a tooth or multiple teeth can set in motion a number of threats to your oral health. Delaying treatment enhances your impact risk.

One is all it takes

Depending on where your tooth loss occurs, your appearance is the first to suffer. Next is your tooth function.

One tooth might not affect your ability to eat or chew significantly. Yet the loss of more than one tooth will increase your functional challenges.

One missing tooth is one too many. Your teeth are designed to function as a unit in each arch (upper or lower) of your mouth.

Alignment, bone health, gum tissue health plus daily function are affected when a tooth gap exists.

The deeper issue

It’s not as much the loss of a tooth that causes long-term problems (there are solutions).Your problems mount when you delay tooth replacement (ignore solutions). Each tooth is more than what you see or utilize on the surface. Your tooth roots create stability within your jawbone and how each tooth aligns above your gum line.

Teeth that shift will weaken each root. Weakened tooth roots will begin to impact the health of your bone and gum tissue.

A solution to consider

Since tooth roots are a significant part of your tooth’s anatomy wouldn’t it make sense to replace them at the “root level?” A dental implant does that.

Implants from root to tip provide a secure, natural-looking, and naturally functioning new tooth. A dental implant:

Restores your tooth function and appearance

Adapts to your bone and gum tissue

Preserves the health of your jawbone and gums

Remains stable and will not shift or move

Tooth loss happens

It helps to be aware of the impact…and how to restore it when it does.Contact our Wayne dental office about your missing tooth or missing teeth. Schedule an examination to diagnose your tooth loss condition and discuss your tooth replacement options including dental implants.

What Cosmetic Dentistry Does for Your Health Can Also Positively Affect Your Calendar

A glance at your calendar and your mind begins to race. Right?

The decisions often start with where you’re going, what clothes to wear, and it proceeds from there. There’s another decision that can boost your confidence as your social calendar fills up in the weeks or months ahead.

It’s about dentistry…cosmetic dentistry to be more specific.

Cosmetic dentistry provides health benefits. It also amplifies something else.

Your smile gives you an advantage wherever you go. Plan now to make sure yours does as you prepare for an upcoming class or family reunion, a wedding, a vacation, or other social event you have calendared in the weeks ahead.

Top priority

Your dental health is of utmost importance. The health of your teeth and gums can make-or-break your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry places a priority on your health first. There are restorative benefits that some procedures primarily provide to assure that your oral health is protected and maintained.

White (tooth-colored) dental fillings treat your decay damaged teeth, restore your tooth structure, and improve the appearance of your treated tooth. They are also a recommended replacement for old, worn-out, and more visible metal (silver) fillings.

Dental crowns are another treatment that has a restorative as well as a cosmetic benefit.

Crowns cover your tooth that’s damaged by decay with a natural looking replacement.

A dental crown also provides the functional, surface structure for a tooth that’s been replaced with a dental implant. Your dental crown is designed to perfectly match your surrounding teeth for a healthy aesthetic improvement.

Put a smile on it

Other cosmetic dentistry procedures are dominant smile enhancers. Treatments can include teeth bleaching (whitening), veneers, and orthodontics featuring Invisalign(r).

These procedures noticeably improve the appearance of your smile. Orthodontic dentistry does that plus it improves the alignment of your teeth to assure healthy teeth and gums along with your smile.

Now is the perfect time to improve the health and look of your smile. Contact our Wayne dental office about cosmetic dentistry and schedule an oral examination to discuss treatment options.

Why a Full Mouth Restoration Could be the Answer to Your Dental Issues

The damage starts somewhere. It’s often the result of a single missing or damaged tooth.

The problem with dental problems? They can worsen without necessary treatment.

Restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry provide you a duo of solutions that can stop the progression of damage.

Stop your mouth from “unraveling”

A full mouth restoration uses a combination of restorative and cosmetic procedures to improve your health and your appearance. Your teeth and gums will return to their proper, healthy function.

One damaged, broken, or missing tooth can unravel a number of oral health problems. Your symptoms can include issues with biting, chewing, tooth wear, and pain in your jaw, head, or neck.

Dental trauma is a common cause that sets issues in motion. Neglecting your dental health can also increase your need for more extensive treatment.

A full mouth restoration can help if you’ve experienced any or a combination of the following:

Worn, broken, or chipped teeth

Missing teeth

Chronic pain in your jaw, head, or neck

Treatment with a full-mouth restoration can eliminate the risks associated with these and more.

The benefit of dental “teamwork”

An oral examination is the best place to start. This initial step will diagnose your dental health and determine the combination of treatment that will restore your tooth function and appearance.

Full mouth restoration can include a combination of procedures such as:

Dental crowns, tooth-colored fillings, and dental inlays and onlays for treating tooth decay

Dental implants, an implant supported denture, or a dental bridge to replace your missing tooth or teeth

Root canal therapy to save your tooth and treat and remove infection

Orthodontics to align your bite

Veneers, dental bonding, or teeth whitening to improve the appearance of your teeth

A night guard to stop tooth wear and protect your dental treatment

Your full mouth restoration requires multiple appointments to complete. Each procedure requires a period of healing prior to the next phase of treatment.

Contact our Wayne dental office about your missing, damaged, or decayed teeth. Schedule a dental examination to discuss restorative and cosmetic dental treatment with a full mouth restoration.

Why It Matters to Compare a Dental Implant and a Dental Bridge

It’s important to weigh-your-options. You have a choice when considering a missing tooth replacement.

Your solutions often come down to two. For example, dental implants or a dental bridge.

Each tooth replacement option is effective. And each has their advantages.

Before you decide

Let’s explore the primary issue associated with losing a tooth or teeth. The longer you delay filling your missing tooth gap the greater your risk of bone loss in your jaw.

Tooth loss and bone loss affects your surrounding teeth and your gums. Alignment and ongoing deterioration can have long-term impact on your oral health.

A dental bridge is an effective tooth replacement. But it’s limited in preserving your bone and tissue health.

Dental implants on the other hand have a substantial impact on preserving your bone tissue. An implant forms a new tooth root that your gum and bone tissue adapts to following placement.

It’s vital that you not further complicate your oral health by choosing a tooth replacement that might not be as effective given your missing tooth circumstances.

Know your advantages

Your teeth support each other. Tooth roots form the foundation that keeps each tooth secure.

Dental implants are unique. The new tooth root created by the implant secures your functional new tooth (dental crown) on the surface.

Dental implants preserve your bone tissue. This helps prevent damage to your surrounding teeth and additional and more costly dental procedures.

Dental implants are made to last. Your implant has a 95% success rate as a restorative dental treatment and can last longer than a dental bridge.

Compare your available treatments when you’ve experienced tooth loss. Contact your Wayne dentist about the important comparison between a dental implant and a dental bridge.

Schedule a dental examination to discuss your best tooth replacement solution.

What to Do the Next Time You Hear the Word “Gingivitis”

You might recall hearing the word a time or two. It’s likely you’ve heard it during a TV commercial or an infomercial.

Gingivitis gets a fair share of media attention. And there’s a basic reason.

Gingivitis is the earliest condition and most common form of periodontal (gum) disease. It can impact your oral health, as it does millions, when it attacks your teeth and gum tissue.

The top of the downward spiral

Good dental health relies on maintaining the health of your teeth. It also depends on keeping your gums healthy.

Gingivitis begins the downward trend associated with gum disease. Untreated gum issues can have a long-term and irreversible affect on your oral health.

The bacteria that multiply within the plaque and tartar build up on your teeth can progress into your gum tissue. More specifically, it deep dives into those hard to reach pockets between your teeth and gums.

If the hardened tartar isn’t removed bacteria can begin to cause tooth decay and gum tissue damage. Once the infection sets in and gum disease starts you can ultimately experience tooth loss.

What it helps to notice and what to do

Gingivitis can be treated. The earlier the better.

Color changes in your gum tissue and gums that are swollen, inflamed, and bleeding should be examined. It’s vital to schedule a dental examination when you notice any of these symptoms.

Prioritize your at-home dental care. Routine brushing and flossing can remove and dislodge plaque from building up and hardening into tartar.

Schedule teeth cleanings two times per year to keep your tooth surfaces free from plaque, tartar, and bacteria growth. Once gingivitis has begun a deep cleaning can help eliminate the risk of gum disease progressing.

Ask us about laser dentistry for periodontal treatment. And contact your Wayne dentist to schedule your next dental examination and with your questions about gingivitis.

How to Improve Your Dental Health in the Next 12 Months

There’s something more important, in a way, than your New Year goals. It’s maintaining consistency in what matters ALL year long.

Your dental health is certainly one of those areas that deserves consistent attention. Now that your mind is fresh with thoughts of the New Year why not include some oral health essentials among your priorities?

Four Dental Health Solutions to Prioritize All Year

Consistent preventive dentistry

The longterm health of your teeth and gums depends on routine dental care habits. Your lifestyle choices and common neglect can cause your oral health to decline.

Do this:

Monitor your diet. Prioritize good nutrition by asking about and including teeth “friendly” foods and beverages.

Brush and floss everyday. This is a fundamental for keeping your teeth and gums free from decay and disease.

Calendar you and your family’s dental examinations and teeth cleanings. These twice yearly appointments go a step beyond your at-home dental care to assure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and disease free.

Attack any signs of gum disease

Periodontal (gum) disease is responsible for adult tooth loss. In fact, it’s the number one cause for it plus gum disease can lead to other health risks including heart disease.

Do this:

Stay up to date on your dental examinations and teeth cleanings. These appointments are essential to remove the build up of plaque and tartar from your teeth.

Be aware of any signs of gum infection. Inflamed, bleeding, or infected gums can indicate that something is wrong.

Schedule a deep cleaning when it’s recommended. Scaling and root planing remove the bacteria that multiply within the hardened plaque and tartar on your teeth and beneath your gum line.

Treat your missing and damaged teeth

Missing or damaged teeth can begin a chain-reaction of oral health problems. Misalignment, decay, and bone tissue loss can result from delayed treatment.

Do this:

Get informed about your tooth replacement solutions. Dental implants are a secure, long-lasting missing tooth solution that restores your tooth function and appearance.

Schedule a dental examination following tooth loss or tooth damage. Chips, fractures, or broken teeth can be diagnosed and restored with dental crowns, dental fillings, dental bonding, and veneers.

Know and use your available dental insurance benefits

Your dental insurance should renew each calendar year. This provides you a new amount of benefits for reducing your out-of-pocket costs for treatment.

Do this:

Communicate with your insurance provider about your annual renewal and available benefits.

Schedule the dentistry that’s been treatment planned for you or that you’ve been postponing. Use your benefits before the end of each year.

Contact your Wayne dentist about your dental health goals. Schedule your next dental examination and teeth cleaning to stay current on your treatment.

How Protecting Your Dental Veneers Can Create Lasting Value for Your Investment

How are your investments doing? Your first reaction is likely related to your financial portfolio.

What about your health portfolio? More specifically, your dental health portfolio?

Restorative and cosmetic dentistry provide you a variety of investment opportunities. Each have value to your oral health and your appearance.

Consider veneers

Dental veneers restore your front, smile-zone teeth to a natural looking, attractive condition. Veneers are most often crafted from thin, porcelain shells that are bonded to front surface of your teeth.

Porcelain veneers are effective for:

-Treating your dull, stained teeth

-Repairing your crooked, crowded, broken, chipped, and misshapen teeth

-Filling the gap(s) between your front teeth

Treatment with veneers can also eliminate the need for ongoing teeth whitening. And your dental veneer procedure can restore your smile within two in-office appointments.

Long-term investment value

The costs of your veneer treatment can vary. Compared to the long-term value to your health and appearance they are a cost-effective investment.

If ignored, your tooth imperfections can have a negative impact on your health and increase your treatment costs. Compare your investment in dental veneers with the lasting value they provide your health and appearance.

As you’re considering an investment in dental veneers we recommend that you ask your insurance provider (if applicable) about coverage. This could give you cost reducing options, if your provider coverage allows.

How to protect your investment

Treat your dental investments, including veneers, as you would any of your financial decisions. Protect your dental veneers to assure that they last and are not damaged.

Preventive dentistry is a priority. Care for your veneers by brushing and flossing daily and stay consistent with your professional, in-office teeth cleanings and dental examinations.

You can also protect your veneers with a night guard. This oral appliance is essential if you experience teeth grinding (bruxism).

Be aware of the foods and beverages you consume. Coffee, tea, and red wine can increase the risk of staining your veneers.

Your investment in dental veneers has longevity with proper care. Expect them to function effectively for up to 15 years.

Contact our Wayne dental office about cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry. Schedule a dental examination to discuss dental veneers.

The Advantages of White, Tooth-Colored Fillings Over Metal Fillings

Restorative or reconstructive dentistry can almost seem like a super-power. It’s where your tooth damage, decay, and cavities meet their match.

What’s more convincing?

Treatment for cavities once relied solely on metal fillings. Mercury based materials were the go-to solution until their safety among other issues was questioned.

A healthier choice

White, tooth-colored fillings are now the “gold-standard”. They’re above all a safer alternative to metal.

Silver, amalgam fillings have a tendency to darken over time. It’s also common for metal fillings to require the loss of more tooth structure during the procedure.

This increases the risk of weakening your tooth. Metal fillings can “leak” or open the door to the potential for additional tooth decay to affect your treated tooth or your surrounding teeth.

In addition to being safer

Tooth-colored fillings are less noticeable. The materials used closely match the color and shade of your natural tooth surface.

The composite or resin used for your filling will maintain a white color. Unlike metal fillings, the composite substance will fade less and not darken over time.

Your new tooth-colored filling will restore your tooth to it’s natural appearance. The procedure can be completed most often in one appointment.

Contact our Wayne dental office about restorative or reconstructive dentistry. Schedule an examination to discuss replacing your silver or metal fillings with safer, more attractive tooth-colored, white fillings.

Why It’s Vital to Occasionally Check Under-the-Hood of Your Dental Implant

It’s not like there’s a mileage limit. But dental implant maintenance and check-ups will help assure that you get the most mileage from the treatment.

An implant is a superior solution for tooth loss. Dental implants replace your missing tooth or teeth and they help preserve the health of your bone and gum tissue.

This makes the ongoing viability of your implant essential. A healthy dental implant means proper tooth, gum, and bone function.

Give it a few months

Monitoring the health of your implant is an ongoing process. With that in mind it’s recommended that you allow a period of time for your dental implant to fully adapt to your bone tissue.

This process is known as osseointegration. Your jaw bone establishes a secure bond with your implant over a period of months during this process.

We will inform you about a necessary follow-up timeline early in your treatment. A good time to discuss this is during your post-treatment check-up for healing and suture removal.

Don’t be deceived

Your dental implant will become a natural addition to your existing teeth. Over time you will perhaps not recognize that you had the treatment.

This confirms the effectiveness of an implant as a tooth loss solution.

Remember this…

Out-of-sight-out-of-mind is not a reason to avoid a look-under-the-hood on occasion. Follow-up consistency allows us to check for any bite, alignment, or tissue adaptation problems.

Outcome improvement

Your ongoing gum and bone tissue health is one follow-up focus. The other has to do with the overall health of your crown, denture, or implant supported bridge on the surface portion of your dental implant.

Gum disease, infection, tissue damage can threaten your implant. The artificial aspect of a dental implant is immune but the supportive tissue surrounding it is not.

Keep your tissue and surrounding teeth healthy to improve the success of your implant procedure. Dental examinations and teeth cleanings two times per year are all the more important for protecting your implant investment throughout its lifespan.

Contact your Wayne dentist about dental implant treatment for tooth loss. Schedule a consultation to discuss the implant procedure and maintaining the health of your implant.

A Sign That Something’s-Up With Your Dental Implant

You’ve invested time and dollars in your dental implant treatment. It’s delivered everything you had hoped.


You have a strong, secure, fully functioning new tooth. And you’re equally pleased that your implant isn’t directly vulnerable to decay or disease.

Then one day…

You notice some inflammation around the site of your implant. It’s inflamed enough to get your attention and signal that something isn’t quite right.

First, it’s important that you noticed. Second, it has less to do with your dental implant and perhaps more to do with your natural gum tissue that surrounds it.

Implant infection treatment is your next best step. This procedure helps eliminate the risk of damage to your dental implant and surrounding gum and bone tissue.

An oral infection where your implant is located can lead to more serious dental health issues.

So, why is there an infection?

Food is the common culprit. For example, popcorn kernels and foods containing small seeds can become impacted (lodged) between you implant crown and your gum tissue.

Simple neglect or lack of awareness trigger the gradual progress towards inflammation. If you ignore the inflamed area long enough an infection will occur.

Remember, your dental implant resists infection and decay. Your gums and bone tissue do not.

Plaque and tartar can form beneath the surface edges of your dental crown and your implant. That’s somewhat harmless until the bacteria within the tartar attacks your vulnerable gum tissue.

Oral bacteria are aggressive. They will produce an infection if they are not removed.

Implant infection treatment focuses on the tissue that holds your dental implant. Your gums are cleaned, treated, and disinfected to eliminate the infection.

The procedure also checks for any bone tissue damage. This helps keep your jawbone healthy and your implant secure.

Contact our Wayne dental office about dental implant treatment. Schedule a dental examination if you are experiencing any gum inflammation.