Appearance Aside – Why Dental Implants are a Superior Treatment

Vanity is popular. No doubt it’s a deciding factor in the choices you make.

Even so, replacing a missing tooth isn’t only about vanity. Though (keeping it fair) it’s certainly a factor for selecting dental implant treatment.

Dental trends are migrating towards cosmetic dentistry. And you may be among those who want your teeth to look like they did before tooth loss.

Appearance aside

You can fill your missing tooth void a variety of ways. A dental bridge and dentures are options.

There are advantages and disadvantages of each. Primarily weigh the long term wear and replacements costs.

Dental implants are cosmetically superior. They’re also a consistently cost effective, long lasting tooth replacement choice.

Cost considerations

The price point for dental implants can be intimidating. Three thousand dollars is a fair minimum for replacing your tooth with a dental implant.

Keep a long-term perspective when you’re concerned about the expense. Compare the up-front cost to the longevity of the treatment.

For example, dental bridges have an average life span of 10 years. Your dental implant can last a lifetime.


Superior materials, placement procedures, and professional experience support dental implants’ growing credibility. Surrounding teeth also require less, if any, supportive treatment alongside your implant.

Will it work for you? Maybe.

Dental implants are effective. But they’re not right for everyone.

An honest diagnosis must trump popularity. A professional dental exam can determine if your tooth loss will benefit from a dental implant.

There’s no advantage to a mistaken diagnosis and related treatment. Your overall oral health is the priority.

A dental implant could be the best treatment for your tooth loss. And if it is, you’ll discover that looking good is only the beginning of your treatment satisfaction.

Question: Beyond appearance, why does dental implant treatment appeal to you? Comment.