A Few Cost-Benefit Facts You Might Not Have Considered About Dental Implants

Demand for products and services can drive cost. One trip to the gas pump or your grocer’s produce department is proof of this economic reality.

Dental implant treatment is in high demand today. And this may prompt you to ask:

“Does demand drive the cost of implant treatment up?”


“Can I get long-term, cost-effective benefits from dental implants instead of dental bridges or dentures?”

Your questions can indicate that you’re thinking this common oral surgery procedure might be out of your league financially.

Hold that thought.

Relief comes when you begin comparing dental implants to other, popular, tooth replacement options.

Perspective can save you money.

Tooth loss is traumatic. I don’t need to tell you that, right?

When you’re the victim it’s no surprise that you want a cost effective option. And you want something that lasts without added expense alongside a procedure that restores your appearance.

The “Facts” are in your favor.

Fact: Dental implants are more durable than dental bridges and dentures.

Reason: Your implant actually becomes part of your jawbone structure. When it’s surgically inserted into you bone tissue it is absorbed over time, anchoring your surface tooth (dental crown) to your new tooth root (dental implant).

Bonus: Dental implants prevent movement and bone atrophy in your jaw. Bridges and dentures are not secure like implants.

They shift. And their mobility wears away your bone structure over time.

Fact: Dental implants stay put.

Reason: They will not lose “fit” as your jawbone structure changes. Bridges and dentures change the shape of your jawbone when changes occur.

Bonus: Your dental implant(s) require fewer appointments in our dental office. Less follow-up and adjustments translates to cost-savings.

Fact: Dental implants get-along with your surrounding teeth.

Reason: Your implant is independent yet supportive of your adjoining and neighboring teeth. Bridges and dentures require the support of your adjacent teeth. They can wear down your bone tissue and vital surface tooth enamel.

Bonus: Your dental implant(s) are easier to maintain. They can be brushed and flossed in the same period of time as your other teeth.

Don’t be discouraged about the high demand and perceived cost issues of dental implant treatment. Schedule a consultation to ask all your questions and receive answers about the long-term health and cost benefits of dental implants.