4 Tipping Point Reasons You Should Choose Dental Implants

A tipping point is defined as – the point at which the buildup of minor changes or incidents reaches a level that triggers a more significant change or makes someone do what they had formerly resisted. That said, there’s nothing minor about your broken or damaged teeth but it’s all the more reason to change the outcome.

In fact, untreated, your overall oral health can be at risk. Dental implants are a tipping point treatment delivering significant change and benefit to you.

Losing or breaking a tooth is traumatic. You feel as though you’re destined to live with an unattractive gap between your teeth. Or you’re unable to enjoy certain foods.

You should treat your missing or damaged teeth for these and other lifestyle reasons. It’s important to apply dental solutions to avoid more serious oral health issues.

Consider dental implants as your tipping point. We’ve covered a number of beneficial results here (stay engaged for more).

Let’s revisit a few now. Perhaps you’ve not considered dental implant treatment. Or maybe you’re not satisfied with other treatments such as dentures or a dental bridge.

4 Tipping Point Results of Dental Implant Treatment

1-Broken, damaged, or missing teeth are not the end-of-the-world.

Again, there’s nothing minor about dental trauma. And your first reaction is typically related to your appearance.

Dental implants are  a natural and functional replacement for your original teeth. Restore your appearance and function with this attractive option.

2-Dental implants are a bonus for your surrounding teeth.

Losing a tooth puts your other teeth at risk. Any delay in treatment can produce long term damage.

Teeth support each other. One missing or damaged tooth alters your gums and tooth root structure.

A dental implant replaces what’s above your gums and what’s below. Implant treatment creates a new tooth root that anchors and supports your surrounding teeth.

3-Cosmetic benefits only scratch-the-surface of dental implant results.

Break a tooth or teeth and you immediately check the mirror. Your response is normal and natural.

Most notice your smile first. A broken tooth – that’s front and center or along your upper or lower jaw line – can make you self-conscious.

Allow the desire to improve your appearance to tip you forward. Then realize the deeper unseen results of dental implants including a new, stronger tooth root, support to surrounding teeth, and healthier chewing.

4-Dental implants are more cost-effective over the long term.

Dentures or a dental bridge are quick and affordable options. Yet, you’ll be replacing them after a period of years at more expense to you.

Dental implant treatment lasts longer. This means your replacement costs are lower or non-existent depending on your treatment plan.

Get informed about all your options when your teeth are broken or damaged. Analyzing available treatment – that includes dental implants – will likely tip in your favor.
What dental implant benefit is your tipping point or has tipping point potential for you?